Source code for lackey.InputEmulation

Interfaces with ``keyboard`` to provide mid-level input emulation routines
import multiprocessing
import time

import keyboard
from keyboard import mouse

# Python 3 compatibility
except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]class Mouse(object): """ Mid-level mouse routines. """ def __init__(self): self._defaultScanRate = 0.01 self._lock = multiprocessing.Lock() self._last_position = None # Class constants WHEEL_DOWN = 0 WHEEL_UP = 1 LEFT = mouse.LEFT MIDDLE = mouse.MIDDLE RIGHT = mouse.RIGHT
[docs] def move(self, loc, yoff=None): """ Moves cursor to specified location. Accepts the following arguments: * ``move(loc)`` - Move cursor to ``Location`` * ``move(xoff, yoff)`` - Move cursor to offset from current location """ from .Geometry import Location self._lock.acquire() if isinstance(loc, Location): mouse.move(loc.x, loc.y) elif yoff is not None: xoff = loc mouse.move(xoff, yoff) else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument. Expected either move(loc) or move(xoff, yoff).") self._last_position = loc self._lock.release()
[docs] def getPos(self): """ Gets ``Location`` of cursor """ from .Geometry import Location return Location(*mouse.get_position())
at = getPos
[docs] def hasMoved(self): """ Checks if mouse was moved since last mouse action """ return self.getPos() == self._last_position
[docs] def moveSpeed(self, location, seconds=0.3): """ Moves cursor to specified ``Location`` over ``seconds``. If ``seconds`` is 0, moves the cursor immediately. Used for smooth somewhat-human-like motion. """ self._lock.acquire() original_location = mouse.get_position() mouse.move(location.x, location.y, duration=seconds) if mouse.get_position() == original_location and original_location != location.getTuple(): raise IOError(""" Unable to move mouse cursor. This may happen if you're trying to automate a program running as Administrator with a script running as a non-elevated user. """) self._lock.release()
[docs] def click(self, loc=None, button=mouse.LEFT): """ Clicks the specified mouse button. If ``loc`` is set, move the mouse to that Location first. Use button constants Mouse.LEFT, Mouse.MIDDLE, Mouse.RIGHT """ if loc is not None: self.moveSpeed(loc) self._lock.acquire() self._lock.release()
[docs] def buttonDown(self, button=mouse.LEFT): """ Holds down the specified mouse button. Use Mouse.LEFT, Mouse.MIDDLE, Mouse.RIGHT """ self._lock.acquire() self._lock.release()
down = buttonDown
[docs] def buttonUp(self, button=mouse.LEFT): """ Releases the specified mouse button. Use Mouse.LEFT, Mouse.MIDDLE, Mouse.RIGHT """ self._lock.acquire() mouse.release(button) self._lock.release()
up = buttonUp
[docs] def wheel(self, direction, steps): """ Clicks the wheel the specified number of steps in the given direction. Use Mouse.WHEEL_DOWN, Mouse.WHEEL_UP """ self._lock.acquire() if direction == 1: wheel_moved = steps elif direction == 0: wheel_moved = -1*steps else: raise ValueError("Expected direction to be 1 or 0") self._lock.release() return mouse.wheel(wheel_moved)
[docs]class Keyboard(object): """ Mid-level keyboard routines. Interfaces with ``PlatformManager`` """ def __init__(self): # Mapping to `keyboard` names self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES = { "BACKSPACE": "backspace", "TAB": "tab", "CLEAR": "clear", "ENTER": "enter", "SHIFT": "shift", "CTRL": "ctrl", "ALT": "alt", "PAUSE": "pause", "CAPS_LOCK": "caps lock", "ESC": "esc", "SPACE": "spacebar", "PAGE_UP": "page up", "PAGE_DOWN": "page down", "END": "end", "HOME": "home", "LEFT": "left arrow", "UP": "up arrow", "RIGHT": "right arrow", "DOWN": "down arrow", "SELECT": "select", "PRINT": "print", "PRINTSCREEN": "print screen", "INSERT": "ins", "DELETE": "del", "WIN": "win", "CMD": "command", "META": "win", "NUM0": "keypad 0", "NUM1": "keypad 1", "NUM2": "keypad 2", "NUM3": "keypad 3", "NUM4": "keypad 4", "NUM5": "keypad 5", "NUM6": "keypad 6", "NUM7": "keypad 7", "NUM8": "keypad 8", "NUM9": "keypad 9", "NUM9": "keypad 9", "SEPARATOR": 83, "ADD": 78, "MINUS": 74, "MULTIPLY": 55, "DIVIDE": 53, "F1": "f1", "F2": "f2", "F3": "f3", "F4": "f4", "F5": "f5", "F6": "f6", "F7": "f7", "F8": "f8", "F9": "f9", "F10": "f10", "F11": "f11", "F12": "f12", "F13": "f13", "F14": "f14", "F15": "f15", "F16": "f16", "NUM_LOCK": "num lock", "SCROLL_LOCK": "scroll lock", } self._REGULAR_KEYCODES = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c", "d": "d", "e": "e", "f": "f", "g": "g", "h": "h", "i": "i", "j": "j", "k": "k", "l": "l", "m": "m", "n": "n", "o": "o", "p": "p", "q": "q", "r": "r", "s": "s", "t": "t", "u": "u", "v": "v", "w": "w", "x": "x", "y": "y", "z": "z", ";": ";", "=": "=", ",": ",", "-": "-", ".": ".", "/": "/", "`": "`", "[": "[", "\\": "\\", "]": "]", "'": "'", " ": " ", } self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES = { "~": "`", "+": "=", ")": "0", "!": "1", "@": "2", "#": "3", "$": "4", "%": "5", "^": "6", "&": "7", "*": "8", "(": "9", "A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c", "D": "d", "E": "e", "F": "f", "G": "g", "H": "h", "I": "i", "J": "j", "K": "k", "L": "l", "M": "m", "N": "n", "O": "o", "P": "p", "Q": "q", "R": "r", "S": "s", "T": "t", "U": "u", "V": "v", "W": "w", "X": "x", "Y": "y", "Z": "z", ":": ";", "<": ",", "_": "-", ">": ".", "?": "/", "|": "\\", "\"": "'", "{": "[", "}": "]", }
[docs] def keyDown(self, keys): """ Accepts a string of keys (including special keys wrapped in brackets or provided by the Key or KeyModifier classes). Holds down all of them. """ if not isinstance(keys, basestring): raise TypeError("keyDown expected keys to be a string") in_special_code = False special_code = "" for i in range(0, len(keys)): if keys[i] == "{": in_special_code = True elif in_special_code and (keys[i] == "}" or keys[i] == " " or i == len(keys)-1): # End of special code (or it wasn't a special code after all) in_special_code = False if special_code in self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES.keys(): # Found a special code[special_code]) else: # Wasn't a special code, just treat it as keystrokes self.keyDown("{") # Press the rest of the keys normally self.keyDown(special_code) self.keyDown(keys[i]) special_code = "" elif in_special_code: special_code += keys[i] elif keys[i] in self._REGULAR_KEYCODES.keys():[i]) elif keys[i] in self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES.keys():["SHIFT"])[keys[i]])
[docs] def keyUp(self, keys): """ Accepts a string of keys (including special keys wrapped in brackets or provided by the Key or KeyModifier classes). Releases any that are held down. """ if not isinstance(keys, basestring): raise TypeError("keyUp expected keys to be a string") in_special_code = False special_code = "" for i in range(0, len(keys)): if keys[i] == "{": in_special_code = True elif in_special_code and (keys[i] == "}" or keys[i] == " " or i == len(keys)-1): # End of special code (or it wasn't a special code after all) in_special_code = False if special_code in self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES.keys(): # Found a special code keyboard.release(self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES[special_code]) else: # Wasn't a special code, just treat it as keystrokes self.keyUp("{") # Release the rest of the keys normally self.keyUp(special_code) self.keyUp(keys[i]) special_code = "" elif in_special_code: special_code += keys[i] elif keys[i] in self._REGULAR_KEYCODES.keys(): keyboard.release(self._REGULAR_KEYCODES[keys[i]]) elif keys[i] in self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES.keys(): keyboard.release(self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES["SHIFT"]) keyboard.release(self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES[keys[i]])
[docs] def type(self, text, delay=0.1): """ Translates a string into a series of keystrokes. Respects Sikuli special codes, like "{ENTER}". """ in_special_code = False special_code = "" modifier_held = False modifier_stuck = False modifier_codes = [] for i in range(0, len(text)): if text[i] == "{": in_special_code = True elif in_special_code and (text[i] == "}" or text[i] == " " or i == len(text)-1): in_special_code = False if special_code in self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES.keys(): # Found a special code keyboard.press_and_release(self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES[special_code]) else: # Wasn't a special code, just treat it as keystrokes["SHIFT"]) keyboard.press_and_release(self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES["{"]) keyboard.release(self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES["SHIFT"]) # Release the rest of the keys normally self.type(special_code) self.type(text[i]) special_code = "" elif in_special_code: special_code += text[i] elif text[i] in self._REGULAR_KEYCODES.keys():[text[i]]) keyboard.release(self._REGULAR_KEYCODES[text[i]]) elif text[i] in self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES.keys():["SHIFT"]) keyboard.press_and_release(self._UPPERCASE_KEYCODES[text[i]]) keyboard.release(self._SPECIAL_KEYCODES["SHIFT"]) if delay and not in_special_code: time.sleep(delay)