Source code for lackey.App

""" Abstracts the capturing and interfacing of applications """
import os
import re
import time
import pyperclip
import platform
import subprocess

from .RegionMatching import Region
from .SettingsDebug import Debug

if platform.system() == "Windows":
    from .PlatformManagerWindows import PlatformManagerWindows
    PlatformManager = PlatformManagerWindows() # No other input managers built yet
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
    from .PlatformManagerDarwin import PlatformManagerDarwin
    PlatformManager = PlatformManagerDarwin()
    # Avoid throwing an error if it's just being imported for documentation purposes
    if not os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True':
        raise NotImplementedError("Lackey is currently only compatible with Windows and OSX.")

# Python 3 compatibility
except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]class App(object): """ Allows apps to be selected by title, PID, or by starting an application directly. Can address individual windows tied to an app. For more information, see `Sikuli's App documentation <>`_. """ def __init__(self, identifier=None): self._pid = None self._search = identifier self._title = "" self._exec = "" self._params = "" self._process = None self._devnull = None self._defaultScanRate = 0.1 self.proc = None # Replace class methods with instance methods self.focus = self._focus_instance self.close = self._close_instance = self._open_instance # Process `identifier` if isinstance(identifier, int): # `identifier` is a PID Debug.log(3, "Creating App by PID ({})".format(identifier)) self._pid = identifier elif isinstance(identifier, basestring): # `identifier` is either part of a window title # or a command line to execute. If it starts with a "+", # launch it immediately. Otherwise, store it until open() is called. Debug.log(3, "Creating App by string ({})".format(identifier)) launchNow = False if identifier.startswith("+"): # Should launch immediately - strip the `+` sign and continue launchNow = True identifier = identifier[1:] # Check if `identifier` is an executable commmand # Possible formats: # Case 1: notepad.exe C:\sample.txt # Case 2: "C:\Program Files\someprogram.exe" -flag # Extract hypothetical executable name if identifier.startswith('"'): executable = identifier[1:].split('"')[0] params = identifier[len(executable)+2:].split(" ") if len(identifier) > len(executable) + 2 else [] else: executable = identifier.split(" ")[0] params = identifier[len(executable)+1:].split(" ") if len(identifier) > len(executable) + 1 else [] # Check if hypothetical executable exists if self._which(executable) is not None: # Found the referenced executable self._exec = executable self._params = params # If the command was keyed to execute immediately, do so. if launchNow: else: # No executable found - treat as a title instead. Try to capture window. self._title = identifier else: self._pid = -1 # Unrecognized identifier, setting to empty app self._pid = self.getPID() # Confirm PID is an active process (sets to -1 otherwise) def _which(self, program): """ Private method to check if an executable exists Shamelessly stolen from """ def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs] @classmethod def pause(cls, waitTime): time.sleep(waitTime)
[docs] @classmethod def focus(cls, appName): """ Searches for exact text, case insensitive, anywhere in the window title. Brings the matching window to the foreground. As a class method, accessible as `App.focus(appName)`. As an instance method, accessible as `App(appName).focus()`. """ app = cls(appName) return app.focus()
def _focus_instance(self): """ In instances, the ``focus()`` classmethod is replaced with this instance method. """ if self._title: Debug.log(3, "Focusing app with title like ({})".format(self._title)) PlatformManager.focusWindow(PlatformManager.getWindowByTitle(re.escape(self._title))) if self.getPID() == -1: elif self._pid and self._pid != -1: Debug.log(3, "Focusing app with pid ({})".format(self._pid)) PlatformManager.focusWindow(PlatformManager.getWindowByPID(self._pid)) return self
[docs] @classmethod def close(cls, appName): """ Closes the process associated with the specified app. As a class method, accessible as `App.class(appName)`. As an instance method, accessible as `App(appName).close()`. """ return cls(appName).close()
def _close_instance(self): if self._process: self._process.terminate() self._devnull.close() elif self.getPID() != -1: PlatformManager.killProcess(self.getPID())
[docs] @classmethod def open(self, executable): """ Runs the specified command and returns an App linked to the generated PID. As a class method, accessible as ``. As an instance method, accessible as `App(executable_path).open()`. """ return App(executable).open()
def _open_instance(self, waitTime=0): if self._exec != "": # Open from an executable + parameters self._devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') self._process = subprocess.Popen([self._exec] + self._params, shell=False, stderr=self._devnull, stdout=self._devnull) self._pid = elif self._title != "": # Capture an existing window that matches self._title self._pid = PlatformManager.getWindowPID( PlatformManager.getWindowByTitle( re.escape(self._title))) time.sleep(waitTime) return self
[docs] @classmethod def focusedWindow(cls): """ Returns a Region corresponding to whatever window is in the foreground """ x, y, w, h = PlatformManager.getWindowRect(PlatformManager.getForegroundWindow()) return Region(x, y, w, h)
[docs] def getWindow(self): """ Returns the title of the main window of the currently open app. Returns an empty string if no match could be found. """ if self.getPID() != -1: return PlatformManager.getWindowTitle(PlatformManager.getWindowByPID(self.getPID())) else: return ""
[docs] def getName(self): """ Returns the short name of the app as shown in the process list """ return PlatformManager.getProcessName(self.getPID())
[docs] def getPID(self): """ Returns the PID for the associated app (or -1, if no app is associated or the app is not running) """ if self._pid is not None: if not PlatformManager.isPIDValid(self._pid): self._pid = -1 return self._pid return -1
[docs] def hasWindow(self): """ Returns True if the process has a window associated, False otherwise """ return PlatformManager.getWindowByPID(self.getPID()) is not None
[docs] def waitForWindow(self, seconds=5): timeout = time.time() + seconds while True: window_region = self.window() if window_region is not None or time.time() < timeout: break time.sleep(0.5) return window_region
[docs] def window(self, windowNum=0): """ Returns the region corresponding to the specified window of the app. Defaults to the first window found for the corresponding PID. """ if self._pid == -1: return None x,y,w,h = PlatformManager.getWindowRect(PlatformManager.getWindowByPID(self._pid, windowNum)) return Region(x,y,w,h).clipRegionToScreen()
[docs] def setUsing(self, params): self._params = params.split(" ")
def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the app """ return "[{pid}:{executable} ({windowtitle})] {searchtext}".format(pid=self._pid, executable=self.getName(), windowtitle=self.getWindow(), searchtext=self._search)
[docs] def isRunning(self, waitTime=0): """ If PID isn't set yet, checks if there is a window with the specified title. """ waitUntil = time.time() + waitTime while True: if self.getPID() > 0: return True else: self._pid = PlatformManager.getWindowPID(PlatformManager.getWindowByTitle(re.escape(self._title))) # Check if we've waited long enough if time.time() > waitUntil: break else: time.sleep(self._defaultScanRate) return self.getPID() > 0
[docs] def isValid(self): return (os.path.isfile(self._exec) or self.getPID() > 0)
[docs] @classmethod def getClipboard(cls): """ Gets the contents of the clipboard (as classmethod) """ return pyperclip.paste()
[docs] @classmethod def setClipboard(cls, contents): """ Sets the contents of the clipboard (as classmethod) """ return pyperclip.copy(contents)